Museum of transport


The Museum of Transportation Celebrated Smithsonian Day on September 27, 2014 with a display of Pre-1931 automobiles called the “Brass and Nickel Show”.

The St. Louis Banjo Club was asked to furnish pre-1931 music which was easy for us. It was a warm but beautiful day and we had a respectable number of people passing by to inspect the cars and listen to our music. There was the usual amount of foot-tappin’ and numerous kids were attracted to the sounds of our banjos.

Our Music Director, Joe Feager led us through two 45 minute segments. We also enjoyed the banjo playing of our Peoria, Illinois, Bill Ihnow who came to visit. We added a little variety with the violin playing of Mike Mason’s daughter, Micaela. Here are a few photos from that day.

This is the third time we have supplied music to fit the beauty of these old, but beautifully restored vehicles. It is an appropriate venue for our music!